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Financial Transparency

Texas Comptroller Transparency StarsTexas Comptroller Transparency Star Traditional FinancesTASBO Excellence in Financial Management Award

Financial Transparency

Beeville ISD strives to provide financial data to our stakeholders in an efficient manner to allow taxpayers the ability to use the information as they so choose. The school district has this dedicated Financial Transparency page to provide financial information for multiple school years and in multiple ways to view the information. Beeville ISD knows the taxpayers have entrusted the use of these funds for educational purposes and strives to be fully transparent in the use of the dollars provided to the district.


This transparency page has five years or more of historical data for annual financial reports, proposed budget and adopted budget data for the school district. In addition, this page has historical tax rate information for the last ten years in both a line graph and a chart for better understanding of the Maintenance & Operations (M&O) and Interest and Sinking (I&S) tax rate. General tax information concerning the property value and tax assessment of the property tax revenue is on the site. In addition, information is provided for the taxpayer to easily contact the Bee County Appraisal District and the Bee County Tax Assessor-Collector by clicking on the entity to link directly to the site from the Finance page.


There is a glossary and acronym section at the end of this page for taxpayers to use to help understand the terms and acronyms commonly used for school finance accounting. This page also has embedded links available for regulatory agencies the taxpayer can use by clicking the entity name to access directly to the site. In addition, contact information for the District, Finance department, elected officials, and open record request information is provided.

Financial Summary

Financial Summary Report

Annual Financial Reports

Annual Financial Reports


Annual Financial Exhibit C-2 Financial Reports


Adopted Fiscal Budgets


Proposed Fiscal Budgets


Taxpayer Information



  • Contact Bee County Appraisal District for qualifying homestead exemptions at 361-358-0193 or Bee County Appraisal District
  • Tax Rate per $100 of value for tax year 2023 is $1.009958
  • Beeville ISD does not oversee or appraise property values. Contact Bee County Appraisal District for any property value questions. 
  • For additional exemptions for disabled veterans contact Bee County Appraisal District for more information.
  • Please contact the Bee County Appraisal District concerning corrections in valuation, ownership, or exemptions.



  • Taxes generally become delinquent on February 1. If you have not received a statement before the delinquent date, please contact the Tax Assessor-Collector office at 361-621-1554 or Bee County Tax Assessor-Collector.
  • You may access your account information or pay by credit card over the Internet at: Bee County Tax Office - There is a 2.95% convenience fee to pay by credit card. This fee is not collected by Beeville ISD.
  • Property taxes are due upon receipt. You have from November 1 through January 31 of the taxing year to pay without penalty and interest. 
  • The Tax Assessor Collector cannot waive penalty and interest on delinquent taxes, adjust values, or ignore deadlines provided in the Texas Property Tax Code.

Financial Charts

Revenue and Expenditure


A bar chart comparing revenue and expenditure per student from 2019 to 2023.



Property Tax 

Tax rate per $100 property valuation

Property Tax History



Check Registers

Accounts Payable


Payroll Fund